- Wrong Color
- Not Enough Sun
- Wrong Container
- Water Stress
- Too Cold
- Excess Fertilization Or Fertilizer Burn
- Insect Infestation (Usually Aphids)
- How To Fix It?
- Top Tips To Keep Bougainvillea From Dropping Its Blooms
- If a plant is not getting enough water, it will drop its lowest leaves to conserve moisture.
- Bougainvilleas do not like wet feet!
- All plants need adequate drainage to survive.
- Bougainvilleas need fertilizer to bloom their best.
- Your Bougainvillea blooms may be dropping because they are too old.
- Bougainvilleas need lots of sunshine and heat.
- Bougainvilleas like lots of fresh air and have their leaves blown by the wind.
- Don’t over-prune your Bougainvillea, or you will remove the flower buds and stunt the plant’s growth.
- Be careful when choosing a container for your Bougainvillea if you are planting it in a pot.
- When you plant your container-grown bougainvillea, select well-draining soil.
- Bougainvilleas do not like frosty conditions.
- Our Final Thoughts
Bougainvillea is one of the most popular flowering vines, but it’s also one of the most demanding. You cannot simply grow Bougainvillea in just any container and expect it to thrive. It needs a lot of sun, water, and just the right amount of humidity to bloom beautifully. If you notice that your Bougainvillea is dropping flowers or not blooming at all, don’t panic. In this article, we’ll look at a few common reasons why your plant may not be thriving so that you can figure out what might be wrong with yours—and how to fix it.
Wrong Color
The color of your Bougainvillea flowers could indicate what’s happening with the plant. Bougainvillea flowers are usually red, pink, or purple; if the flowers are white or yellow, the plant is not getting enough sunlight. If they are brownish-white, there’s too much sun exposure.
If you notice that your flowers have changed colors and are not as vibrant as before, don’t worry. You can always rejuvenate them by giving your plant more light (or less light).
Not Enough Sun
If your Bougainvillea isn’t getting enough sun, it’s no surprise that it’s dropping flowers. Here are a few ways you can help give your plant more light:
- If possible, move the plant to a sunnier location in your home and give it six hours of direct sunlight per day.
- If that isn’t possible or doesn’t work for the season (for example, if the temperature outside is too cold during the winter months), consider using artificial lighting like fluorescent or LED grow lights. These lights are typically hung above plants and can supplement natural sunlight to keep them healthy and flowering strongly.
Wrong Container
If your Bougainvillea drops flowers, it’s probably because the container isn’t deep enough. Bougainvilleas should be in a container that is at least 8 inches deep. Not only is this better for the plant’s health, but it also looks nicer with less messy soil. It can be hard to tell if your container is too small or large just by looking at it, so here are some guidelines:
If any roots are growing out of the bottom of your Bougainvillea pot, you need to move up to a larger pot. The best way to tell if you have too many roots growing out of the bottom is by looking where they meet with the soil at the base. If there are large gaps between those roots and their beginning, it’s time to upgrade.
Water Stress
If your Bougainvillea is dropping flowers, it might signal that you’re watering too much or not enough. Check the soil in its pot every few days and track how quickly water drips out when you squeeze the pot. If it takes at least two minutes for any moisture to come out, it’s time to water again.
If your plant drops leaves and flowers, check the soil more often—daily if possible—until there’s enough moisture in there. From now on, make sure that they get one no matter what season it is when they need a drink (or leaf fluffing).
Too Cold
If your Bougainvillea is dropping flowers, it could mean that the temperature in your area is too cold for the plant to thrive. The ideal temperature range for Bougainvillea is 65-85 degrees F. Colder temperatures can cause flower drop, so if you live in an area with average winter temperatures below 50 degrees F (10 C), move your plant to a warmer location such as inside or under lights until spring arrives and temperatures rise again outside. You can also help protect your Bougainvillea from cold damage by providing protection against winter winds by wrapping it with burlap fabric or using shade cloths over its pots during really harsh weather.
Excess Fertilization Or Fertilizer Burn
If you have over-fertilized your bougainvillea plant, it may start dropping its blooms prematurely because it cannot handle the extra nutrients being fed to it. This causes excess nitrogen levels in the soil, which can burn the roots of your plant, causing them to wither away before they bloom properly. The leaves will also begin to turn brown and die due to excessive fertilization or fertilizer burn.
Insect Infestation (Usually Aphids)
Bougainvillea is a very attractive plant to insects such as ants, bees, butterflies, beetles, and flies. These insects may be attracted to the nectar produced by the plant, or they may be attracted to the plant’s sap, which they consume for food. Aphids are common on bougainvillea plants and can cause yellowing leaves and sticky foliage. The ants that visit your Bougainvillea are attracted to the honeydew secreted by the aphids; however, they will protect them from predators in exchange for this food source.

How To Fix It?
To fix these issues, you must check your plant for signs of stress and treat it accordingly. If you think your plant is too dry, mist it daily until you see new growth coming back from the base of the plant. If there are signs of sunburn on the leaves or stems, remove any damaged leaves immediately to prevent further damage from occurring within those areas over time. If insects are infesting your Bougainvillea, look for spots where they’re hiding out and use insecticidal soap or neem oil spray whenever possible (this will help keep them at bay while keeping their populations down over time).
Bougainvillea plants should be pruned regularly, especially if they are growing inside your home or office building. Pruning will help you keep your plant healthy and looking beautiful at all times of the year. You can prune your Bougainvillea after it has flowered because this will encourage new growth on your plant, producing more flowers in the spring and summer months when you want them most.
Top Tips To Keep Bougainvillea From Dropping Its Blooms
Bougainvillea is a wonderful addition to your garden. They are easy to grow and care for and produce lovely flowers that last for weeks. However, Bougainvillea can be temperamental plants that can sometimes drop flowers unexpectedly. If this is happening to you and you want to prevent it from happening again, read on!
If a plant is not getting enough water, it will drop its lowest leaves to conserve moisture.
If your plant is dropping its blooms, it’s probably because it’s not getting enough water.
The main reason is that the plant uses water to grow and make fruit and flowers and keeps their leaves from drying out. If a plant is not getting enough water, it will drop its lowest leaves to conserve moisture.
Bougainvilleas do not like wet feet!
You may have noticed that your Bougainvillea is dropping blooms. This means that it is unhappy, and there are a few things you can do to help.
Bougainvilleas do not like wet feet! The best way to ensure this is by tilling the area and adding sand from a local playground or beach if necessary. You should also consider planting mulch around the base of the plant for added protection from moisture build-up in heavy rain.
Don’t overwater them as they require good drainage, so don’t over-water them. Too little water = dying plant; too much water=dying plant; just enough water = happy plant.
All plants need adequate drainage to survive.
Your Bougainvillea must have adequate drainage so that it can breathe and get rid of excess water and fertilizer (both of which are bad for plants). You may not realize it, but all plants need to be able to drain water away from their roots. The same goes for oxygen.
If you’re planting a new plant or transplanting an existing one, ensure the soil drains well. If there’s no way for water to drain away from the plant, it will rot easily—and that means your flowers will drop off before you notice them!
Bougainvilleas need fertilizer to bloom their best.
Bougainvilleas are considered “evergreen shrubs,” but they still need fertilizer throughout the year if you’re looking for fertilizer high in nitrogen (for leaves), phosphorus (for flowers), potassium (potassium deficiency causes leaf browning and wilting), or magnesium (for root growth).
Your Bougainvillea blooms may be dropping because they are too old.
Bougainvilleas usually only last for a few days before the flowers begin to die and fall off, so if you notice your flower is past its prime, it’s best to just cut it off. However, if you leave the wilting bloom on your plant, it will turn brown and begin to fade up over time. When this happens, not only do other flowers grow in that spot, but also mold can grow underneath where the pollen was once present.
Bougainvilleas need lots of sunshine and heat.
Bougainvilleas need lots of sunshine and heat, so it’s best to plant them in full sun. Bougainvilleas also like plenty of fresh air to circulate through their leaves. If you don’t want them blowing all over the place, try planting them near a wall or fence that will block the wind from reaching their foliage.
Bougainvilleas thrive in warm climates and can grow up to 2 feet per year when planted in soil that has good drainage but is well-drained. Be aware: these plants are very sensitive to frost; they must be moved indoors before temperatures drop below 50 degrees F (10 C).
Bougainvilleas like lots of fresh air and have their leaves blown by the wind.
- Bougainvilleas like lots of fresh air and have their leaves blown by the wind. You’ll get many more blooms if you keep your Bougainvillea pruned and exposed to as much sunlight as possible.
- Bougainvilleas should be fertilized every year with a good granular fertilizer. Feed in early spring just before new growth begins.
- If your plant gets too big for its pot or is root bound (when the roots fill all of the pot), it might start dropping blooms because it’s too crowded in its container.
Don’t over-prune your Bougainvillea, or you will remove the flower buds and stunt the plant’s growth.
If you must prune at all, the best time to prune is in the spring, when the plant is dormant and can take a little cut. Pruning in winter or fall will often result in damaged stems and flowers.
Bougainvillea grows best on an east-west axis which means that it should be planted with enough space behind them, so they don’t grow into your neighbor’s fence or house.
Be careful when choosing a container for your Bougainvillea if you are planting it in a pot.
The pot you choose can help or hinder the plant’s health. To keep your Bougainvillea in good shape, choose a pot that is deep enough to hold the roots of the plant, has a drainage hole, and is large enough to hold it. The best container for your Bougainvillea will also not tip over easily.
When you plant your container-grown bougainvillea, select well-draining soil.
Bougainvillea is planted in containers to bring them inside during winter or because they cannot be grown outside where you live. When selecting a container for your Bougainvillea, look for one at least 12 inches deep and has good drainage and aeration, so the plant does not become waterlogged. If you can’t find a container of this size available at your local garden center, you can make your own by gluing pieces of broken terra cotta pots or making an inner tube out of cardboard and filling it with potting soil.
Bougainvilleas grow best in light sandy loam soils with excellent drainage. They will do well in any soil as long as it drains well and has organic material added to improve water retention ability. The pH level should be between 6-8
Bougainvilleas do not like frosty conditions.
Bougainvilleas are tropical plants. They thrive in warm and sunny climates, making them a popular choice for shade gardens. Bougainvilleas do not like frosty conditions. Even if you live in a warmer climate that does not get freezing temperatures during the winter months, it is still possible for your Bougainvillea to experience freezing temperatures if left outside without proper protection from wind or snow. If your Bougainvillea is exposed to frosty weather, it will die within days of exposure due to the damage caused by freezing temperatures on the leaves and flowers.
Our Final Thoughts
If you’ve been struggling with your Bougainvillea, you’re not alone. This plant can be tricky to grow, but once you figure out what it needs and how to care for it, it will reward you with beautiful flowers year after year. Hopefully, these tips have helped shed some light on why your Bougainvillea is dropping flowers.