I knew the Zanellas had lived in America for fifty years, and yet they still refused to speak English. Their daughters spoke Italian in the home where Ernesto and Lena retained the simple values and lifestyle of the Old Country. They are too old to continue their gardening, and there’s no way they’d browse the ‘Net, but I know this couple would have loved the Italian Seed and Tool Company catalog!
For anyone who shares this same heritage of Italian gardening in America, this site is a must see. They are the distributor of Bavicchi of Italy garden seeds. This distinctively Italian collection will appeal to everyone who savors the taste of the Mediterranean because they carry many hard to find varieties used in traditional dishes.

For example, most seed houses carry one or two fennels. This site carries five bulbing types that make a spectacular vegetable crop. And even more interesting is they offer wild fennel, a rare heirloom seasoning herb that’s very difficult to find in the States.
Another oddball is Cardoon, a relative of artichoke and thistle. Seed for seven varieties of Rapini, also known as Broccoletti offers yet another pot green for winter cooks.
So if there’s an Ernesto and Lena in your world, surprise them with these home country favorites, and if you’re lucky, come harvest time, they’ll cook for you!
Italian Seed and Tool online http://www.italianseedandtool.com/index.html