Why not use our FREE POSTCARDS at MoPlants.com to send your friends a floriferous greeting for New Years, birthday, holiday, anniversary or just to show you care?
Click here to go directly to our collection of 30 gorgeous original images to share with friends and family. https://moplants.com/free_postcards.php
Inside the Bellagio Hotel in Las Vegas is a beautiful Italian courtyard featuring this tiered fountain. But its bowls were filled with beautiful floral arrangements rather than water. I thought it was lovely but also illustrated a great decorating idea. Anyone in the north who moves a fountain indoors to protect from freezing, this is a wonderful way to enjoy it all winter long.
When I began photographing plants and gardens for my books, I was limited by standard 35mm color slides. All shots came back from processing as is because slides have no negative – they are direct positives. I was lucky to get a few marketable shots out of each roll. Those good shots remained as is in full frame forever.
Going digital changed all that. Not only can I correct a marginal shot, I can crop an image down to create a new shot with only part of the picture. I’d spend hours playing around with Photoshop to learn exactly what I could do to my pictures. That’s how I created my “art shots” which turn a photo into an impressionist painting.

The lath fern house at Sherman Library and Gardens on California’s south coast was originally a marginal shot too dark to be useful. But with a little digital magic it was transformed into a lush work of art.
I don’t sell these shots, I just create them for the joy of digitally rendering beautiful plant images. I use the high resolution originals to create personal greeting cards. I thought you’d like to do the same online, so even if you don’t have a printer you can send my FREE POSTCARDS from MoPlants.com https://moplants.com/free_postcards.php
Just browse through my art shots to choose the right one for any occasion. Fill out the form provided with your message and the recipient’s email address, then send one or one hundred! No envelope, no stamp, no mailbox. It’s just that easy. Enjoy!