Did you know that companion planting encourages your crops to manage pests and enhance nutrients? Gardening experts use this strategy to maximize a small vegetable garden space.
Companion planting is the best idea for zucchinis – these plants are heavy feeders and take up a lot of space!
For optimum growth, choose from the following companion plants for your zucchinis and reap the best benefits.
The Ten Best Plants to Grow with Zucchini (Summer Squash)
#1 Fix Nitrogen Levels with Beans
- Matures fast
- Tolerates partial shade
- Leaves contain tiny hooked hairs
Beans naturally emit nitrogen back into the soil, which feeds neighboring zucchini plants. Zucchini plants are heavy feeders, so they need a lot more nutrients from the soil.
These plants also have tiny, hooked hairs on their leaves. Their purpose is to trap garden pests that commonly surround zucchinis. Insect pests like aphids, spider mites, squash vine borers, and whiteflies are some examples.
Every variety, especially bush beans, also help deter weed growth. Bean plants attack weeds both on the soil surface and below ground. Plant beans as your zucchinis’ companion plant!
#2 Attract Beneficial Insects with Borage
- Almost all of its parts have a medicinal or culinary use
- Small, brilliant blue blooms
- Grows up to two feet tall
This herb attracts beneficial insects. Honeybees will come into your garden and see your zucchini flowers, or you might see tiny wasps flying about.
It also repels pests in your garden. Tomato worms and cabbage worms are going to be around much less when you plant this herb.
Though it only blooms during June and July, it also has an excessive number of uses year-round.
The plant is edible, except for its roots, and the leaves can be used to flavor tea and other beverages. You can even include the flowers and leaves in your salads or stir-fry.
#3 Let Marigolds Deter Your Zucchinis’ Pests
- Prefers full sun and well-draining soil
- Blooms bright colors during late spring and early fall
- Germinates and sprouts quickly
These bright marigolds are some of the best companion plants for your zucchini!
It deters harmful pests, like garden beetles, squash bugs, bean beetles, and aphids with its pungent scent. Make sure the marigolds you choose have that aroma and plant them generously in your garden!
Marigolds’ roots also produce toxic chemicals that kill off dangerous nematodes. Zucchinis planted near marigolds are sure to benefit from their protective properties.
#4 Repel Grazing Animals with Mint
- Fragrant plant
- Prefers moist, well-drained soil
- Edible, with aromatic taste
To keep grazing animals away from your summer squash, do so with some mint! Due to its highly aromatic and fragrant nature, mint can help prevent deers from grazing on your zucchini plants.
These plants are also great for a number of health and culinary benefits. It has a lot of nutrients, can relieve common cold symptoms, and even mask bad breath!
Add this companion plant to your zucchini patch to protect your garden. If you don’t have mint, you can substitute it with other aromatic herbs.
#5 Shoo Away Cucumber and Flea Beetles with Dill
- Can be used as both herb and spice
- Requires regular maintenance
- Prefers loose and open soil
This herb can repel both cucumber beetles and flea beetles. It can also attract pests and insects – honeybees, hoverflies, and wasps – that are beneficial for your summer squash.
Once zucchini and dill are planted together, you are sure to keep harmful pests away. Besides, dill is also flavorful and can be used in dishes!
#6 Counteract Soil Depletion with Peas
- Light feeders
- Requires a lot of water
- Easily controlled when infested
Peas are one of the best zucchini companion plants you can have in your garden! They’re light feeders, so they won’t rob your precious zucchini of nutrients.
Just like beans, these plants can enrich your soil’s nutrient-capacity by emitting nitrogen. As companion plants, peas give a lot back into the soil and to your zucchini!
#7 Complete the Three Sisters’ Garden with Corn
- Grows best in 60° to 95°F
- Thrives in full sun
- Loose, well-worked, and well-drained soil is ideal
The Three Sisters’ Garden is composed of beans, zucchini, and corn.
As the center of indigenous culture for centuries, this kind of companion garden is like sisters: the ultimate supporters of one another! If they’re planted together, you can unlock optimum growth for each one.
Beans give the soil the necessary food and stabilize tall corn stalks.
Corn gives beans a place to trellis themselves. Squash plants, like zucchini, shade the ground. This deters weeds and helps retain the soil’s moisture.
#8 Avoid Squash Vine Borers with Radishes
- Grows quickly
- Preferably grow these plants in full sun
- Useless in too much heat
Radishes are ideal zucchini companion plants. Your zucchini are sure to grow well once they have kept pests away from the garden area!
They also contain a lot of nutrients. Get the best vitamins and minerals with these plants in your garden.
#9 Chase Away Cabbage Moths with Oregano
- Blooms purple or white flowers
- Aromatic
- Hardy type
Oreganos spread across the ground. Aside from protecting zucchini from cabbage moths, it also blankets the soil. It protects the soil from the sun, keeping it cool and retaining its moisture.
#10 Spinach Forms Mutual Benefits with Your Zucchini Plant
- Thrives in cool weather
- Grows best in fall
- Needs some fertilizer
Spinach is ideal for companion planting!
If gardeners place it next to a zucchini, they’ll benefit from each other. Spinach will provide as much “food” as possible, while zucchini provides shade and protection.
Cucumbers and tomatoes can also be companion plants.

Are There Any Plants to Avoid When Companion Planting?
Yes! Gardeners should avoid potatoes and pumpkins.
Potato is also a heavy feeder like the zucchini, so it will frequently absorb nutrients from the soil. If zucchinis and potatoes are next to each other, they would have to compete for nutrition.
If zucchinis and pumpkins are next to each other and are companions, they can cross-pollinate.
This is due to them being members of the same species. Once fruit production comes around, cross-pollination will affect these plants’ fruit.
Companions in your garden will mutually benefit each other. They also maximize the space and yield you’ll get come harvest-time.
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