There Is No Saint Like the Winter Sky
Round the spruce top the blue was deepened, concentrated by the fixed point, the memory of that spot, as it
Make A Garden Shrine
Creating a shrine in the home garden is a beautiful way to express your spirituality. No matter your faith, the
Tibetan Prayer Flags for Asian Style
For those who love Asian design and spirituality, Tibetan prayer flags are a fun and affordable way to add meaning
A Treasure Trove of Heirloom Garden Seed
Seeds of strange and wonderful vegetables fill the pages of the Baker Creek Heirloom Seed Catalog. How this cool grower
Great Mullein Becomes a Highbrow Perennial for Gardens
Great Mullein plants grow like weeds wherever conditions are right. They’re so common we overlook them as mere weeds,
Create Jewel Gardens With A Paint Box of Succulents
Garden designers are rediscovering the incredible beauty and color of succulent plants in what has become the “jewel box gardens”.&
Don’t Overlook Fabulous Purple Millet
The first time I saw Purple Majesty millet in all its glory was at the Ball Horticutlure demonstration garden outside
High Country Gardens Mountain States Perennials
Gardening in the Rockies and Great Basin states can be tough. The high desert of the Southwest is equally
Quick and Easy Topiary For Your Garden
Now you don’t have to wait years to have large topiaries in your yard. Using wire forms pre-packed with
Scotch Broom, Goats and Morning Glory Toxicity
Reader question: I’ve been told by someone who has 50 goats and rents them out that you
Bad, Bad Barberry Plants Escape Gardens
A few weeks ago I touted the merits of barberry cultivars in my syndicated Yardsmart column. And I got mail.
April Snow Brings May Frost Damage
A reader writes: We had unusually cold snap in Tennessee last week. I am concerned specifically about hydrangeas and crepe
Moorten Botanical Garden Junky
This morning I was at Clark’s garden at six thirty to work amidst the monumental cactus and succulents.
Three Gardening Women and A Blog
Author Amy Stewart These ranters are no shrinking violets! When an editor poined me to Garden Rant blog&
Traditional Italian Seed for A Cook’s Garden
I knew the Zanellas had lived in America for fifty years, and yet they still refused to speak English.&
Indoors With The Greatest Water Lily on Earth
The greatest of all water lilies, a plant named for Queen Victoria was the driving force behind the construction
Garden Photography Series Tip #1 “Study Your Shots”
My Garden Photography Series will help you become a great photographer in no time at all.&
Mo’s Garden Photo Tip: Angle for Information
A good friend began photographing flowers. He’s tall so naturally he sees the world from the top down.&